Thursday, December 25, 2014

advent reading day 25

advent reading day 25

And there in the stable, amongst the chickens and the donkeys and the cows, in the quiet of the night, God gave the world his wonderful gift.  The baby that would change the world was born.  His baby Son.

scripture reading: the birth of Jesus, from luke 2, JSBB pgs 182-191, 198*

symbol: baby Jesus!

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

merry christmas from our home to yours!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

advent reading day 24

advent reading day 24

Suddenly the star they had seen in the East started moving again, showing them the way.  So the three Wise Men followed the star out of the big city, along the road, into the little town of Bethlehem.

scripture reading: the King of all kings: the story of the three wise men, from matthew 2, JSBB pgs 192-197*

symbol: the three wise men and the star

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

advent reading day 23

advent reading day 23

Now Mary and Joseph had to take a trip to Bethlehem, the town King David was from.  But when they reached the little town, they found every room was full.  Every bed was taken.

scripture reading: the journey to bethlehem, from luke 1 and 2, JSBB pgs 180-181*

symbol: a scroll, representing the census that was taken

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Monday, December 22, 2014

advent reading day 22

advent reading day 22

So Mary trusted God more than what her eyes could see.  And she believed.  "I am God's servant," she said.  "Whatever God says, I will do."

scripture reading: mary and the angel, from luke 1-2. JSBB pgs 176-179*

symbol: an angel

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Sunday, December 21, 2014

advent reading day 21

advent reading day 21

But God sent John to tell his people something important: "Stop running away from God and run to him instead," John said.  "You need to be rescued.  I have good news -- the Rescuer is coming!"

scripture reading: the story of john the baptist, from matthew 3, luke 1 and john 1, JSBB pgs 200-203*

symbol: a shell, a traditional symbol for baptism

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Saturday, December 20, 2014

advent reading day 20

advent reading day 20

It had taken centuries for Gods people to be ready, but now the time had almost come for the best part of God's Plan.

scripture reading: get ready! God's people return from being slaves, from nehemiah 8-10, malachi 1, 3, and 4, ezra 7, JSBB pgs 170-175*

symbol: a party hat, to celebrate all the Lord had done

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Friday, December 19, 2014

advent reading day 19

advent reading day 19

Many years later, God was going to send another Messenger with the same wonderful message.  Like Jonah, he would spend three days in utter darkness.

scripture reading: God's messenger: jonah and the big fish, from jonah 1-4; hebrews 1:1-2, JSBB pgs 160-169*

symbol: the big fish

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Thursday, December 18, 2014

advent reading day 18

advent reading day 18

God would keep on rescuing his people.  And the time was coming when God would send another brave Hero, like Daniel, who would love God and do what God said -- whatever it cost him, even if it meant he would die.

scripture reading: daniel and the scary sleepover: daniel and the lion's den, from daniel 6, JSBB pgs 152-159*

symbol: daniel and the lions

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

advent reading day 17

advent reading day 17

God had a special job for Isaiah.  You see, Isaiah's job was to listen to God and then tell people what he heard.  Now, God let Isaiah know a secret.  God was going to mend his broken world.  He showed Isaiah his secret rescue plan.

scripture reading: operation "no more tears!": the rescuer will come, prophecies from isaiah, JSBB pgs 144-151*

symbol: a crown, representing the king to come

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid friendly readings

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

advent reading day 16

advent reading day 16

God knew sin was like leprosy.  It stopped His children's hearts from working properly and in the end it would kill them.  Years later, God was going to send another Servant, to forgive as she did -- to forgive all of God's children and heal the terrible sickness in their hearts.

scripture reading: a little servant girl and the proud general: the little slave girl and Naaman, from 2 Kings 5, JSBB pgs 136-143*

symbol: a beautiful heart, cured from the leprosy of sin

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Monday, December 15, 2014

advent reading day 15

advent reading day 15

Another Shepherd was coming -- a greater Shepherd.  He would be called the Good Shepherd.  And this Shepherd was going to lead all of God's lambs back to the place where they had always belonged -- close to God's heart.

scripture reading: the good shepherd: david the shepherd king, from psalm 51, 2 samuel 7, JSBB pgs 130-135*

symbol: the lyre, representing the psalms written by david

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Sunday, December 14, 2014

advent reading day 14

advent reading day 14

Many years later, God would send his people another young Hero to fight for them.  And to save them.  But this Hero would fight the greatest battle the world has ever known.

scripture reading: the young hero and the horrible giant: david and goliath, from 1 Samuel 17, JSBB pgs 122-129*

symbol: the slingshot

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid friendly readings

Saturday, December 13, 2014

advent reading day 13

advent reading day 13

God chose David to be king because God was getting his people ready for an even greater King who was coming.  Once again, God would say, "Go to Bethlehem.  You'll find the new King there."  And there, one starry night in Bethlehem, in the town of David, three wise men would find him.

scripture reading: the teeny, weenie...true king: samuel anoints david, from 1 Samuel 16, JSBB pgs 116-121*

symbol: david the shepherd boy

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings

Friday, December 12, 2014

advent reading day 12

advent reading day 12

"Only God can make your heart happy," Joshua said.  "So don't pray to pretend gods."
"No," they said. "Never!"
But they didn't keep their promise. But God's plan was still working.  One day he would give his people another Leader.  And another home. 

scripture reading: the warrior leader: joshua and the battle of jericho, from joshua 3 and 6, JSBB pgs 108-115*

symbol: the trumpet

*we are using the jesus storybook bible for our kid friendly readings

Thursday, December 11, 2014

advent reading day 11

advent reading day 11

Only one Person could keep all the rules.  And many years later, God would send him - to stand in their place and be perfect for them.  Because the rules couldn't save them.  Only God could save them.

scripture reading: ten ways to be perfect: moses and the ten commandments, from exodus 16-17, 19-40, JSBB pgs 100-107*

symbol: the stone tablets

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly reading

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

advent reading day 10

advent reading day 10

When the Egyptians tried to follow, the walls of water crashed back down on them and swallowed them up.  God's people were safe.  They danced and laughed and sang and thanked God - when there had been no way out, God had made a way.  Many years later, once again, God was going to make a way where there was no way.

scripture reading: God makes a way: moses and the red sea, from exodus 14-15, JSBB pgs 92-99*

symbol: the parting of the sea (don't you love my artistic interpretation in this one! ha!)

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

advent reading day 9

advent reading day 9

God's people would always remember this great rescue and call it "Passover."  But an even Greater Rescue was coming.  Many years later, God was going to do it again.  He was going to come down once more to rescue his people.  But this time God was going to set them free forever and ever.

scripture reading: God to the rescue: moses and the great escape from egypt, from exodus 3-13, JSBB pgs 84-91*

symbol: the burning bush

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.

Monday, December 8, 2014

advent reading day 8

advent reading day 8

One day, God would send another Prince, a young Prince whose heart would break.  Like Joseph, he would leave his home and his Father.  His brothers would hate him and want him dead.  He would be sold for pieces of silver.  He would be punished even though he had done nothing wrong.

scripture reading: the forgiving prince: joseph and his brothers, from genesis 37-46, JSBB pgs 76-83*

symbol: joseph's beautiful multi-colored coat

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

advent reading day 7

advent reading day 7

When God saw that Leah was not loved and that no one wanted her, He chose her - to love her specially, to give her a very important job.  One day, God was going to rescue the whole world - through Leah's family.

scripture reading: the girl no one wanted: the story of jacob, rachel and leah, from genesis 29-30, JSBB pgs 70-75*

symbol: stalks of grain, representing the years of work jacob did in order to marry rachel

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

advent reading day 6

advent reading day 6

Many years later, another Son would climb another hill, carrying wood on his back. Like Isaac, he would trust his Father and do what his Father asked. He wouldn't struggle or run away.

scripture reading: the present, the story of abraham and isaac, from genesis 22, JSBB pgs 62-69*

symbol: the ram

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.

Friday, December 5, 2014

advent reading day 5

advent reading day 5

God would do as he promised. He would always look after Abraham's family, his special people.  And one day, God would send another baby, a baby promised to a girl who didn't even have a husband.  But this baby would bring laughter to the whole world.  This baby would be everyone's dream come true.

scripture reading: son of laughter: God's special promise to abraham, from genesis 12:1-7, 15:1-6, JSBB pgs 56-61*

symbol: stars in the sky, representing God's promise to abraham to give him as many ancestors as there are stars in the sky

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

advent reading day 4

advent reading day 4

You see, God knew,  however high they reached, however hard they tried, people could never get back to heaven by themselves.  People didn't need a staircase; they needed a Rescuer.  Because the way back to heaven wasn't a staircase; it was a Person.

scripture reading: a giant staircase to heaven: the tower of babel, from genesis 11, JSBB pgs 48-55*

symbol: a tower

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.

use your imagination when looking at our tower ornament, ha!  that's a tough one to make! :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

advent reading day 3

advent reading day 3

It was a new beginning in God's world.  It wasn't long before everything went wrong again but God wasn't surprised, He knew this would happen.  That's why, before the beginning of time, he had another plan - a better plan. A plan not to destroy the world, but to rescue it - a plan to one day send his own Son, the Rescuer.

scripture reading: a new beginning, genesis 6-9, JSBB pgs 38-47*

symbol: an ark or rainbow, a sign of God's promise that He will not destroy the earth with water again

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

advent reading day 2

advent reading day 2

scripture reading: the terrible lie, genesis 3, JSBB pgs 28-37*

symbol: a fruit tree, representing adam's and eve's choice not to trust God and to eat from the forbidden tree

Before they left the garden, God whispered a promise to Adam and Eve: "It will not always be so! I will come to rescue you! And when I do, I'm going to do battle against the snake. I'll get rid of the sin and the dark and the sadness you let in here. I'm coming back for you!

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.

so how do we do our advent readings?  well, we adjust it a bit each year as the boys get older, but we always do our reading following dinner.  we all pile on the couch under a comfy blanket and soak in the words of the reading for that night.  this year, burrito and noodle will take turns reading the story aloud and hopefully with a little assistance, salsa can hang the ornament on the tree.
we change things up a bit each year, but we use a tree like these on which we hang our ornaments.

Monday, December 1, 2014

advent reading day 1

and so begins our advent reading and advent tree decorating for 2013.  advent means "coming" and reminds us to reflect and think upon Christ's coming to earth for us. please join with us in reading God's Word as we look expectantly towards Christ's birth.

advent reading day 1

scripture reading: the story of creation, genesis 1 and 2, JSBB pages 18-27*

symbol: a dove, representing God hovering over the deep, silent darkness as he was making life happen

God looked at everything he had made. "Perfect!" he said. And it was. But all the stars and mountains and oceans and galaxies and everything were nothing compared to how much God loved his children. He would move heaven and earth to be near them. Always. Whatever happened, whatever it cost him, he would always love them. And so it was that the wonderful love story began....

praying your first day of advent reading is just the beginning of a great family tradition for you!

*from The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Friday, November 28, 2014

advent ornaments

some of those interested in following along with our advent readings have expressed fear and trepidation when it comes to crafting the ornaments.  so i thought it would be helpful for me to include a post that shows what each ornament looks like.  i promise, they are very simple!  most are made from felt and yarn that we already had on hand.  others are ornaments we already had or some we've picked up over the years with the advent tree in mind.  i think the quainter they are, the cuter they are!  my favorite is the rainbow coat!


however, if crafting is not your thing, i also think it would be fun to have each child draw a picture of each bible story and then at the end staple it all together and you have a cute picture flip book from advent!

and don't feel like you have to have all 25 ornaments ready to go on december 1.  our first year doing this found me making the first half and then finishing out the last half as i had time. make it fun!

so happy to celebrate this time with my family and with you!

fall 2014

well life is just so busy and my computer is so full of pictures, that both have prevented me from being a faithful blogger.  thanks to a new external hard drive and thanksgiving break, i am finally able to sit down and share some of my favorite pictures from this fall. 

this is my favorite time of the year! 

we kicked off the fall by enjoying a family trip to the zoo.  i think this may be our new picture spot.

i had to do a little photo shoot with salsa and the pumpkins.  he was moderately cooperative.

 we celebrated noodle's 9TH BIRTHDAY on october 23.  i simply cannot believe that my big boys are getting so big!  noodle you are still my super sweet and sensitive child who always has to make things right before you go to bed at night.  i love your heart and how it desires to be in a right relationship with others.  you were an awesome pitcher and 3rd basemen in baseball this fall with the phillies.  you are a great student and get upset when you make anything less than a 98!  ha ha!  you are a great little brother to burrito and a great big brother to salsa.  salsa really loves you and thinks you are the funniest thing!

carving pumpkins was so fun this year and noodle and burrito took full charge of accomplishing this task all on their own.  we roasted the pumpkin seeds and had fun lighting the pumpkins each night.

halloween was a fun-packed day!  there are so many fun fall things to do and i find myself running out of time each year to get it all in.  so we did it all on halloween this year!  the big boys had an early release day at school that day so they enjoyed parties at school and then we went to IHOP for free scary face pancakes.  after a quick afternoon nap for salsa, we went to a local pumpkin farm and had so much fun running around and enjoying the scenes of fall there.

 we even braved the corn maze this year and finally found our way out!

 we had to be a little silly too by taking some action shots jumping off the hay bales!

 salsa's favorite part was the farm animals!

and then we did the traditional halloween trick or treating in our new neighborhood.  the boys had a blast!  there were so many trick-or-treaters, that cars could not drive up the street.  it was super fun to meet new neighbors and see so many people out loving on kids.  salsa and i made it up one block before it was his bedtime and john took the big boys until they were complaining that their candy bags were too heavy!

we decided a while ago to do a star wars theme this year, so we had obi-won kenobi, a clone trooper and salsa was r2d2!

we've enjoyed our fall and look forward to celebrating advent!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

preparing for advent...get your ornaments ready!

advent is just around the corner and the anticipation is building in our home. and we're super pumped to share this advent with baby salsa who might even get into the hanging-the-ornament-action this year!

what is advent?  advent (from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming") is a season observed in many Western Christian churches, a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. Christians believe that the season of Advent serves a reminder both of the original waiting that was done by the Hebrews for the birth of their Messiah as well as the waiting of Christians for Christ's return. (from Wikipedia)

we celebrate advent by doing an advent tree.  what is an advent tree? the idea of an advent tree comes from Isaiah 11:1-9, where God promises a discouraged nation that the glory they remember from david's time will come to them again. they will have another king from jesse's family, in whose reign the whole earth will know God. christians see that promise fulfilled in Jesus, and so we put up an advent tree and decorate it with reminders of how God prepared the world for that Kingdom. (taken from Darcy James' book Let's Make a Jesse Tree!)

each day, starting on december 1 and ending on december 25, i will share the scripture that we read as a family and the ornament that is hung on the tree with you in hopes that family and friends would join with us.

we crafted our advent reading plan to perfectly coincide with our favorite children's bible, the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones.
if you have young kids and don't have this bible, you must walk out of your house, get in your car, and drive to your nearest bookstore to buy it. right now. seriously. and no, i am not being paid to say this. this bible is the sweetest one i've read. each story points towards Christ and is so good!

so here is our reading plan for this advent, along with the coordinating ornament.  some of the ornaments are simple, crafted from felt, that noodle and i made together 7 years ago while burrito was at school.  others are hallmark ornaments or other ornaments that we've picked up over time.

so the reading plan is this:

dec 1 creation genesis 1-2 pgs 18-27 dove
dec 2 the fall genesis 3 pgs 28-37 fruit tree
dec 3 the flood genesis 6-9 pgs 38-47 rainbow
dec 4 tower of babel genesis 11 pgs 48-55 tower
dec 5 the promise to abraham genesis 12-21 pgs 56-61 stars in the sky
dec 6 abraham and isaac genesis 22 pgs 62-69 ram
dec 7 jacob, rachel and leah genesis 29-30 pgs 70-75 stalks of grain
dec 8 joseph genesis 37-46 pgs 76-83 a rainbow coat
dec 9 moses and the burning bush exodus 3-13 pgs 84-91 a burning bush
dec 10 moses and the red sea exodus 14-15 pgs 92-99 the split waters
dec 11 the law exodus 16 ff pgs 100-107 stone tablets
dec 12 joshua and jericho josh 3-6 pgs 108-115 trumpet
dec 13 david's anointing 1 sam 16 pgs 116-121 david the shepherd boy
dec 14 david and goliath 1 sam 17 pgs 122-129 slingshot
dec 15 david the shepherd psalm 23, 51 pgs 130-135 lyre
dec 16 naaman 2 kings 5 pgs 136-143 a heart
dec 17 isaiah isaiah 9 ff pgs 144-151 crown
dec 18 daniel in the lion's den daniel 6 pgs 152-159 daniel and a lion
dec 19 jonah jonah 1-4 pgs 160-169 fish
dec 20 the prophets neh 8-10 pgs 170-175 party hat
dec 21 john the baptist matt 3 pgs 200-203 a shell
dec 22 mary and the angel luke 1-2 pgs 176-179 an angel
dec 23 journey to bethlehem luke 1-2 pgs 180-181 a scroll
dec 24 the shepherds and wise men luke 2, matt 2 pgs 184-188 the three wise men
dec 25 jesus is born! luke 2 pgs 182, 190, 192-198 baby jesus

i would love for you to join us in doing this. this is our 7th year to do an advent tree and it makes this season so, so sweet!  it takes a commitment of time, which just means less opportunity to be assaulted by consumerism in the malls. it takes a little bit of effort in making or securing the ornaments. however, it is so worth it and so rewarding! the boys loved taking turns hanging the ornaments on the tree, and the excitement and expectation builds as more and more ornaments fill the tree, until christ is born and christmas is here!

happy advent!